Klaus Förger



Currenty, I work as a Software Developer for Atostek. This has included full-stack development of industrial systems using for example F#, C#, TypeScript, and Vue. Also, the work has resulted in publications related to health data and medical risk calculation. See also other work history.

During the 2 years I ran my own business Förger Analytics, I mainly worked on automatic temporal synchronization of different data sources such as accelerometers, videos, touch screen events, and EEG signals. The goal was to streamline the running of scientific experiments, so that less time is needed for data clean-up. The solutions mainly use mobile Android devices (smart watches, phones, tablets) to enable performing experiments in real-life locations outside a laboratory. Though not actively developed and likely not working on latest Adroid devices, the related source code, compiled excecutables, and user manual are still available.

FSenSync videos:

I graduated as a Doctor of Science (Technology) from the Department of Computer Science of the Aalto University in 2015. I worked in the research group "Art and Magic" lead by Professor Tapio Takala.

My previous employments include working for the Paris 8 University in the ICI project. Before that I worked on the project Social eMotions that is related to social emotions in dance movements [1] [2] [3] which was funded by Kone Foundation. I have also worked in the project Multimodally Grounded Language Technology.

Research interests

a style continuum

Demo videos

Interactive visualizations

Analysis of dance



Männikkö, V., Förger, K., Kujanen, H., Tikkanen, J., Antikainen, S., & Munukka, J. (2024). Overview of Finnish national patient data repository for research on medical risk assessment. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 16(3), 254–268. https://doi.org/10.23996/fjhw.146124 pdf final publication

Männikkö, V., Kujanen, H., Munukka, J., & Förger, K. (2024). Finnish national patient data repository as data source for FINRISK risk calculator . Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 16(4), 489–500. https://doi.org/10.23996/fjhw.146762 pdf final publication

Förger, K. & Himberg, T. & Laroche, J. & Bachrach, A. 2018. FSenSync - A software for enabling collaboration between art and science. In: Hybrid Labs Symposium 2018. HLS 2018. Espoo, Finland. 1 page. pdf bibtex

Himberg, T. & Förger, K. & Niinisalo, M. & Nuutinen, J. & Lehmus, J. 2017. Social eMotions: Exploring Emotional Expression and Contagion in Contemporary Dance. In: 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. ESCOM 2017. Ghent, Belgium. pp. 87-90. pdf bibtex

Förger, K. & Joufflineau, C. & Bachrach, A. 2017. Kinetic predictors of spectators' segmentation of a live dance performance. In: 4th International Conference on Movement Computing. MOCO ’17. London, UK. 2 pages. pdf bibtex

Himberg, T. & Förger, K. & Bachrach, A. 2017. Four-way mirror game: developing methods to study group coordination. In: 4th International Conference on Movement Computing. MOCO ’17. London, UK. 2 pages. pdf bibtex

Förger, K. 2015. From motion capture to performance synthesis: A data based approach on full-body animation. Aalto University publication series: Doctoral dissertations 90/2015. Aalto University, Finland. pdf bibtex

Förger, K. & Takala, T. 2015. A Motion Style Toolbox. Conf. On Intelligent Virtual Agents, August 26-28, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. LNCS, Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer International Publishing. pp. 343-347. pdf toolbox download page final publication bibtex

Mäkäräinen, M. & Kätsyri, J. & Förger, K. & Takala, T. 2015. The Funcanny Valley: A Study of Positive Emotional Reactions to Strangeness. Proceeding of the 19th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, September 22-24, 2015, Tampere, Finland. ACM, New York, USA. pp. 175-181. pdf final publication bibtex

Pugliese, R. & Förger, K. 2015. Game Experience When Controlling a Weak Avatar in Full-Body Enaction. Conf. On Intelligent Virtual Agents, August 26-28, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. LNCS, Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer International Publishing. pp. 418-431. pdf final publication bibtex

Förger, K. & Takala, T. 2015. Animating with style: defining expressive semantics of motion. The Visual Computer. Springer. 13 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s00371-015-1064-4 pdf final publication video bibtex

Kätsyri, J. & Förger, K. & Mäkäräinen, M. & Takala, T. 2015. A review of empirical evidence on different uncanny valley hypotheses: support for perceptual mismatch as one road to the valley of eeriness. Frontiers in Psychology. pdf link to journal bibtex

Förger, K. & Honkela, T. & Takala, T. 2013. Impact of Varying Vocabularies on Controlling Motion of a Virtual Actor. Conf. On Intelligent Virtual Agents, August 29-31, 2013, Edinburgh, UK. LNCS, Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer Berlin. pp 239-248. pdf final publication bibtex

Honkela, T. & Förger, K. 2013. Modeling Action Verb Semantics Using Motion Tracking. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2013. September 10-13, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria. LNCS, ICANN 2013. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp 312-318. pdf final publication bibtex

Förger, K. & Takala, T. & Pugliese, R. 2012. Authoring Rules for Bodily Interaction: From Example Clips to Continuous Motions. Conf. On Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 12-14, 2012, Santa Cruz, California, USA. LNCS, Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer Berlin. pp 341-354. pdf final publication video bibtex

Honkela, T. & Kohonen, O. & Laaksonen, J. & Lagus, K. & Förger, K. & Sjöberg, M. & Takala, T. & Valpola, H. & Wagner, P. 2011. Learning Semantics of Movement. Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 17 December 2011, Melia Sierra Nevada & Melia Sol y Nieve, Sierra Nevada, Spain. 4 pages. pdf

Pugliese, R. & Lehtonen, K. 2011. A Framework for Motion Based Bodily Enaction with Virtual Characters. Conf. On Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 15-17, 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland. LNCS, Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer Berlin. pp 162-168. pdf final publication video bibtex

Lehtonen, K. & Takala, T. 2011. Evaluating emotional content of acted and algorithmically modified motions. Conf. on Computer Animation and Social Agents, May 26-28, 2011, Chengdu, China. LNCS, Transactions on Edutainment VI. Springer Berlin. pp 144-153. pdf final publication bibtex

Lehtonen, K. 2010. Algorithmic modifications to the emotional content of motion capture data. Master's thesis. Aalto University, Department of Media Technology.

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